Construction Employment Screening Reports
APSCREEN's background
check for the construction industry make it affordable to ensure
that you protect yourself and your company when on-site workers.
The Construction Industry recommended standard package includes:
Person Search
Verification of social security number and prior address history
for 7 years.
- Motor Vehicle Records Search
Applicant's driving record is provided for the state of residence.
- Commercial Driver's License Information System (CDLIS)
Provides a 3-year driving history on regulated prior commercial
driver's licenses covering all states. This search satisfies your
FMCSA requirement.
- Terrorist Watch List
This federal watch list screens high-risk persons and is in compliance
with the Patriot Act of 2001.
- Criminal History
Hand-searched criminal conviction check in primary jurisdiction(s)
of residence for felonies, misdemeanors and federal actions (Federal,
State and Local levels).
- US District Court Nationwide Federal Criminal Search
- National Sex Offender List
50 state search for sex offender convictions.
Other services include:
- Employment Verification
- Employment References
- Education Verification
- Business/Personal References
- Drug Testing (see Department of Labor report on Drug Abuse in Construction)
- Legal Right to Work Form I-9
- CCRRA/AB655/1068/2868 Consumer Compliance Letter