Locate NOW! Report (You Provide SSN)
What you are getting for Ten Dollars: You get the most correct & current address available, name variations, usually whether or not they have died, sometimes telephone numbers and sometimes e-mail addresses. All of our reports are HAND-PROCESSED, not machine generated which saves you the time and trouble of dealing with locating your subjects by using inferior, cheap or otherwise incomplete data sold as add-on services by amateurs trying to make a fast buck.
Why we say we are 99% effective: APSCREEN EmployeeLocator.com has assembled EVERY reliable identification repository into proprietary algorithmically-driven, universally searchable databases which includes information from the three major credit bureaus as well as over 30 other proprietary sources. We triple check and run the Social Security Number of the Employee or Plan Participant and find a corrected, updated or more current name and/or address 99% of the time. If the name and address we identify seems to be the "same" as the one you already have, we usually discover that either an apartment number was missing, the street name was abbreviated, the direction of the street (N, S, E, W) was omitted, the City name is incorrect, the zip code was wrong or the person's name has changed – all reasons why the Post Office won't deliver your mail to them. These inaccuracies are corrected in our report, so 99% of the time when our information is put on the envelope, it will be delivered. About 1% of the time, the mail gets retuned to you even with the updated information.
At that time, you may proceed to "Level 2" which runs an additional $10. We cannot know if you need to run Level 2 until the mail is retuned because the name and address that we report to you must differ from, enhance, update or correct the name and address that you give us, AND the address must be current to within 30 days of the order. That process yields positive results 99% of the time as the literally hundreds of thousands of locates we have provided statistically attest.
If the mail is returned after Level 2, we have GREAT news for you! The APSCREEN Employee Locator Report is well known and recognized by both the IRS and the PBGC as a bona-fide, arms length, third party, Title 29, Part 4050.4 "diligent effort" report, and stands alone in providing you with the compliance you need to refer the file. Yep, at that point you can be "done" with the file if you want to be, refer it with our report and your returned mail attached to the file and be confident that you are fully ERISA compliant. YEA!
"Open" Locate Report (No SSN Provided)
What this means: Sometimes you have an incomplete, incorrect or missing SSN and/or limited identifiers. When this occurs, and you need to affect a "non-SSN" or "limited identifier" based locate, an entirely different set of privacy statutes kicks in because this identification process is considered the same identification development strategy that identity thieves use, so privacy compliance is tighter, the information harder to get to and more expensive.
"Next of Kin" Report
You must use the Locate NOW! or OPEN LOCATE Report as the basis to conduct this search. We understand that you might have determined that the person died on your own, BUT, our initial search will likely yield more information than you have, and it is upon that basis that our internal process develops the Next of Kin information. We are successful about 80% of the time. If you are unsuccessful with this search, we can continue on an hourly basis.
